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How Artists Influence Communities: Biosemiotics

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

Paper Bison's last show, Free Your Art, How Artists Influence Communities, Biosemiotics, Deaf Child

Artists are case studies for how meaning is created, aka biosemiotics. Art is a result of nature multiplied by nurture. The meaning of art is determined by artists with what is available to them: experience, tools, technology, material, etc.

How does communication share meaning? What are the roots to community?

Biosemiotics asks questions about the individual influence of a group. Organisms exchange or process information from a cellular level to ecological systems. The result of material sent back and forth is life: particular interactions affect entire outcomes.

Expression represents elements in a medium. Making sense of what matters.

If every action has an equal and opposite reaction, is living infinite repetition? Routines have use for developing functional systems. What about when systems are no longer functional? Cycles are broken when processes are changed.

Communication connects the motivation behind action. Conditions are impacted by the ability to share and interpret messages, from homeostasis to conflict resolution. How each aspect is perceived affects the perception of others.

Community stems from common environments. Synergy forms bonds that fuse energy together. Art stirs sensations. Artistic ability or creativity is the development of an innate sense of manifestation. Artists not only represent their own perspective, but also design possibilities of making a difference in the world.


Photo of Paper Bison from their last show with Machine Kid 10/5/18 for Free Your Art at Howlin Wolf.


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Being born a Hard of Hearing Deaf person, I know what it is like to figure things out yourself. Since I'm raised oral, people see me as not Deaf enough. Therefore they invalidate my rights for access, captions, and sign language. 

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