Business as it is has been built on a system that uses privilege to incentivize the masses into doing as told for the benefit of a select few. Traditional structures have irreparably harmed the environment, violated human and animal rights, and created a schism of equality. Management approaches are used to screw others into submission rather than provide value for all involved.
Something is up when dehumanizing or demeaning others is dismissed as just doing business. It is as if when managing moral decisions versus personal gain people have been trained to disassociate the two so as to not consider how the consequences of actions might impact their bank account or social status. But it is not always this way. And the history of it does not have to continue. Corrupt practices can end with the people who choose to do something about it.
Managers of any business or team have the quality of other’s lives in their hands. Learning to work with people is not a one way street. It goes both ways. People make mistakes. Such is life. There is nothing wrong with that. There is something wrong with being so set in a certain way that there is no admitting the need for change. Business is a way of life. If there is one constant in all of this it is that change is inevitable.
Ideas to consider when managing business- Concepts taken from Chapter 8: "Working With Others" of Josh Kaufman’s The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business. Key terms and audio available for free online: personalmba.com | personalmba.com/chapter/working-with-others/
Communication Overhead- The proportion of time spent communicating with members of a team instead of getting productive work done.
Commander’s Intent- Whenever a task is assigned to someone, they are told why it must be done. The more the teammate understands the purpose behind the decision maker and action, the better they will be able to respond appropriately when the situation changes.
Bystander Apathy- The more people available, the less responsibility each member of a crowd feels to do anything about the situation. Explains why anything assigned to a committee never gets done. When delegating responsibilities, assign tasks to a single owner with a clear deadline.
Incentive Caused Bias- Explains why people with a vested interested in something will tend to guide others in the direction of their interest.
Modal Bias- The automatic assumption that a certain idea or approach is best.
Attribution Error- When others screw up it is easy to blame their character, but when it is a self made mistake the situation is attributed to circumstances.
Management- Coordination of a group of people to achieve a specific goal while accounting for ever present change and uncertainty. Create an environment where everyone can be as productive as possible, then let people do their work. Avoid distractions such as nonessential bureaucracy and meetings. Keep people with economically viable skills focused on improving the five parts of every business: value creation, marketing, sales, value delivery, and finance.