Implementing eco-friendliness in any music community is easier said than done. While awareness for human impacts on the environment is widely discussed, sufficient funding and research for green technology has yet to be allocated for the entertainment industry to lessen its carbon footprint. It is easy to get caught up in the moment, as well as lose track of how certain situations can result in harmful consequences. Take responsibility for what creativity leaves behind by gradually taking steps to make art an eco-friendly experience. Here is a summary of how each step of the music process can affect environmental sustainability, plus links in paradigm to green the scene from the studio to shows to listening at home:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Consumption
4. Live Performances
5. Litter Ablation
6. Transportation
7. Marketing
8. Factors Affecting Progress in Sustainability
9. Going Green in the Music Scene
Every step of the way artists walk the line between entertainment and expression, awareness and learning, emotions and logic. With the right resources, creators can influence their audience for the better by demonstrating (along with giving opportunities to produce) environmentally friendly experiences. Fuck the stigma that one cannot advocate for change while having a good time. It is possible to take care of responsibilities and still party.