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Graphic Design Request Form

Please submit this form to receive an invoice on your graphic design request if approved. Once paid, work will begin.

No refunds on work completed - billed for $300 an hour. Fee includes up to 3 edits if needed or time allows with deadline, as well as export of up to 10 elements or file types per design paid for.

Edits are not factored in ability to meet deadlines. Please be sure your deadline factors in time for edits.

Can also get on retainer for 10 hours a week for $2500 (pay $50 less an hour).

Availability is not guaranteed. Request will be accepted or denied ASAP after receiving it. You will receive invoice or proposal if request is accepted.

If you request vector images, they are only billed separately if they are not elements already included in a design you paid for. Example: if you request a picture of a forest and you want a vector image of a tree from that forest, it will be included in your price [additional billing for exporting more than 10 elements applies]. But if you want a forest as well as a different vector of a person, that will be two separate fees.

After 10 elements, exports are billed at $30 an hour. Storage of file is not guaranteed after 5 years. I may no longer be able to export the file if I do not have access to the project file and would need to start over again.

Due date and time (on company time - US Central)
Graphic Design Scope
Graphic Design File Type
Included in Graphic Design Description Checklist
Consent to Use Content
Misc Graphic Design Check List

Experience: 11+ years doing business as Deaf Child, 13+ years marketing & graphic design, 15+ years sales, 20+ years music

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